Sunday, September 9, 2012

A little push is what I needed

I've been feeling down lately and it has caused me to be lazy and unproductive. But tonight, I've gain my momentum back. All I had to do was to read, watch and listen to inspirational things. They're everywhere and I haven't just noticed them because I was busy being sad and sullen.

And so I started being organized again. I took  note of everything that needs to be done and actually start doing them. I feel so motivated and positive-minded. I was so uninspired these past few days. Thinking that I needed someone to inspire me and motivate me but I realized that I don't need someone to be able to accomplish these things. I only needed the right kind of mindset. And of course, God, because I can't do this without Him and because I'm doing all this for His glory.

If before I'm slowly going under, now I'm slowly seeing the light. Life is meant to be enjoyed, right? All of these hardships and problems, I can handle without sacrificing my happiness and positive attitude. I am so grateful because God had never given up on me when I had given up on myself.

If God put you to it, He'll help you through it.
He'll never give up on you.

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