Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I think I'm now back on my reading track. Hours after posting my previous post, I continued reading The Power of Receiving and I'm now actually reacting to it. My brain is already processing every thought in this book. Hooray! I've already come across few exercises that I can practice every day to make me more understand the power of receiving. One of these exercises is to write at least 5 things that I'm grateful about every day. So that's what I'm going to do in this post since this day is almost about to end.

I am grateful because God woke me up today.
I am grateful for all the meal I ate.
I am grateful for my Mom.
I am grateful for my Dad.
I am grateful for my Aunt.
I am grateful for my Brothers.
I am grateful for my Sisters.
I am grateful for my friends.
I am grateful for all the lovely people God put in my life right now.
I am grateful for my time spent alone.
I am grateful for my time spent talking with my family.
I am grateful for all the books I've read and about to read.
I am grateful for our house even though it's not as beautiful and clean as others may have but I am still grateful because I know I can call it a home.
I am grateful for all the new things I've learned.
I am grateful for all of my inspiration.
I am grateful for God's love.

I'm going to improve writing down my gratitudes and not just settle for that "I am grateful.." phrase but for now it would suffice. I also think it's better to do this on Twitter since I could post there instantly what I'm going to be thankful about so that I won't forget it at the end of the day. 

'Til my next post!

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